2 research outputs found

    Validity of Discovery Learning-Based E-module with Video Demonstration on Reaction Rate Material for High School Student

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    This research aims to determine the validity of the discovery learning-based E-module with a video demonstration on reaction rate material for high school students. The type of research carried out is development research with the Plomp development model. This research involved three chemistry lecturers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Universitas Negeri Padang and two high school chemistry teachers. The advice of expert reviews and students was used as the basis for module evaluation by researchers using a validity questionnaire—the Aiken's V formula processed module validity tests from chemistry lecturers and chemistry teachers. According to the findings, the developed e-module has an Aiken V value of 0.88 and is classified as vali

    Validation of Discovery Learning E-Module based on Video Demonstration on Chemical Equilibrium for High School Student

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    This study aims to determine the validity of discovery learning-based E-modules integrated with video demonstrations on chemical equilibrium material for high school students. The type of research conducted was research and development (R & D) with the Plomp development model. This study involved six chemistry lecturers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering, Padang State University, two high school chemistry teachers from SMAN 7 Padang and MAN 3 Payakumbuh, and involved XI grade students in each school. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. The research data was processed using Aiken's V formula. Based on the research results, the e-module was in the "valid" category with a value of 0.8